I’ve received a Sunshine Award from Anna over at Your Trash – My Treasure! Anna is a queen at shopping the thrift stores & getting gorgeous finds at a fraction of the price. Not only that, but she posts daily outfits & proves that you don’t have to spend a fortune to look like a million bucks!
I’m really excited as this is my first award from a fellow blogger, so a special thanks to Anna!
In return, I’m passing on the Sunshine Award to some of my favourite blogs:
GLAM LATTE ::: great outfit posts, make-up & fashion
Veronika’s Blushing ::: cute outfits & a fellow tall blogger
dot dot dot ::: fantastic fashion ads & witty remarks
work your closet ::: Jamie shows us her celebrity inspiration then ‘works her closet’ to put together a very cool similar look
…love Maegan ::: from DIY clothing, accessories & shoes to outfits of the day, this is one talented woman
~ Share the Wealth ~