The List (au moment)

It’s been a fantastic weekend and I was lucky to have today off as well, making it yes, a four-day-weekend (amazing!).  It’s been a great weekend filled with BBQ’s, two Easter dinners, wonderful weather, and lots of chocolate.  Inspired by a couple things, thought I’d put together a list of current things I’m lusting, loving, looking for, listening to, etc.

Lusting for…

{ Spring’s Ferdico sandals, $50}

Saw these on my girlfriend HC / future brother-in-law’s girlfriend at Easter and fell in love.  Deep.  They come in black as well and just looked so good on her feet.

Listening to…

{ OMG by Usher feat. }


… some of my recently thrifted items:

{ black patent clutch }

{ silk scarves }     

{ navy blazer }      


{ Breaking Bad }

My fiancé and I have become verrry hooked on this show about a middle-aged chemistry teacher who turns to a life of drugs and crime without his family having any idea.  Anymore would give too much away, but needless to say, it’s worth the watch.

Workin’ it out with…

{ Zumba }

I’ve been doing Zumba for a year now and still can’t get enough.  It’s a high-intensity cardio work out that includes salsa, meringue, hip-hop, and more latin-inspired dance.  If you know of a gym or rec centre that offers this class, I high recommend it.  It’s a great way to sweat it out while having a great time.


Looking for Something?