8 Questions ~ 8 Answers

The lovely Emily of Emily Loves tagged me to answer some questions.  Since I’m always up for some blogger tagging, let’s go:

Do you like your height? Would you rather be taller/shorter/stay the same? 
I don’t mind being 5’11, but would ideally like to be a little shorter so I would receive less flack about wearing such high heels all the time!

Most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Cliff jumping

Are you more of a cold weather or hot weather person? 
Hot weather, all the way.  While I can’t handle extreme heat very well, I do not enjoy the winter (despite being a snowboarder)

Do you like doing makeup on others or just yourself? 
Just myself.  Make-up isn’t a super strong point for me, I can do it, but don’t have a huge interest (clothes and shoes are more my thing 😉

Celeb crush? 

Have you ever broken a bone? 
Yes – my head (car accident) and right wrist (snowboarding), and I’m right-handed :S

Favourite personality trait in yourself? 
Caring – I always try to go above and beyond for my friends and familly.  I hope they feel the same!

Team Edward or Team Jacob? 
I’ve never seen Twilight (sorry Em!)


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