This Week in iPhone Photos

{ practicing using foundation & lashes in preps for the wedding }

I really love it when Tiffany shows us snippets of her life through her iPhone photos, and I have personally been meaning to do this for a while, but haven’t. Here are some photos I’ve taken this week while on the go.

PS – One week today, till I get married!

PPS – As of 4pm today, I’m on holidays for 3 weeks! (Ahem, a total of 24 days – yipee!)

{ a newly tidy cupboard in our kitchen }

{ sweet masked biker }

{ planned outfit for dinner with mom & sis }

{ our ‘wedding room’ at home, aka the office }

{ dalmation Creative Rec’s }

{ summer-time food }

{ preperatory instruments }

{ road trip }

{ so glad we aren’t looking at this right now … but will be in about 3 months -ugh- }


* I’m still looking for guest bloggers for A.Co est. 1984.  Interested?


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