Red Tape

{ ‘Red Tape’ by Wet ‘n’ Wild }

I recently discovered Wet ‘n’ Wild’s new ‘Megalast’ nail polish line and I have to say I’m quite impressed.  Now, you know how much I love OPI, but at $10 a bottle, you better really love that nail colour.  The secret though, is in the brush.  I’ve tried to convert back to cheaper polishes, but, the brushes are so skimpy that the enamel doesn’t go on smoothly, takes several swipes per nail, gets bubbly, etc.  These ones from WNW have a super wide brush (just like OPI) and the polish isn’t thick so it goes on nice and smooth (reminds me a bit of Zoya, which I also like).  The only downside?  This line only has about 20 colours.  I know, perhaps you are thinking, ‘What? Just 20 colours?!’ in a sarcastic tone, but when you own most general colours (you know, dark red, bright pink, burgundy, dark pink, etc.) from OPI, the last thing you want to do is dish our more cash for the same colour.  However, I’ll take what I can get (for now) because at $2 bucks a bottle, it’s a steal.


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