Husband surprised me the other night with a sa-weet (well, more like spa-icyyy) asian-inspired dish. He even served it to me in our new china serving bowl. He wouldn’t let me near the kitchen while he was preparing it and it smelt so good from upstairs. It tasted even better. Did I mention he even cleaned up the entire kitchen? Love that guy.
Sidenote: After showering (I had been at the gym), since hubs was surprising me with dinner, I thought I’d surprise him with a look that didn’t involve sweatpants (what!? It was like, 7pm). This ‘look’ involved black leggings, a black top and a black sweater. Oh, and I threw on big hoop earrings because he loves those. However, no make-up was used in this look because that would just be too much effort (and I had just given myself a facial) – so yes, here it is folks, first time ever on this blog, me, make-up-less.