George cape (last seen here), American Apparel top (last seen here), Garage tank, Sirens leggings,
Bamboo boots (last see here), Ardene & H&M bangles
Have you ever had someone you find your blog? Someone that wasn’t supposed to find it? Okay, I say that very lightly because obviously as bloggers we all know that your blog could be ‘found’ at anytime by anyone, especially if your friends and family know about it. I accept that, and really there isn’t anyone I feel shouldn’t see it, but when you think of certain people that won’t see it… and then they do… yeah. It’s not awkward, it’s not embarrassing, it’s a different type of emotion – am I alone here? All that to say, someone came across my blog, someone I didn’t necessarily expect to come across it and it was surprising. Yes. Good word. Surprising. I also think that if you’re not a blogger or a blog reader, it’s hard to understand this thing we do called blogging. For me, it’s a creative outlet. I love being able to share my creativity, style, DIY’s, inspiration, etc. with you all. Just as I love to read other blogs for the same reasons. The blogging community was something completely foreign to me over a year ago, and now it’s this fantastic thing that I’m a part of, and it feels so great. It’s like a great place to go to daydream, express yourself, vent, gather inspiration and make friends. With that said, thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you who reads (and comments) and to those who come back regularly. You make this so much better and I love being here.