F21 top, Mexx skirt (last seen here), Lilliana pumps (last seen here) / Aldo booties (last seen here), unknown belt, Givenchy fishnets, Suzy necklace & various bangles
I used to plan outfits around my shoes, but in the past year that has changed. Now I tend to pick the shoes last (unless I have a new pair that I want to rock purposely) and sometimes I an indecisive; case in point, the outfit above.
I couldn’t decide on the girly ruffle pumps or the edgier wedge booties. I ended up going with my plain black pumps (the ol’ tried ‘n’ true) as I wanted something feminine and while I love those Lilliana pumps above, they don’t stay on my feet very well when I’m walking around (which I do a fair amount of at work).
Which look do you prefer?