Sometimes I get a craving for something sweet, even though I’m not hungry.
Okay, who am I kidding? I frequently get sweet cravings.
Tonight was no different but I knew if I tore open the bag of mini-eggs I have stashed in my purse, imense guilt would set in immediately after especially since I induldged enough this weekend. So, the alternative? A make-shift ‘healthy’ apple crisp.
It’s has fruit, that’s healthy, right?
It’s simple. Go!
You will need:
* 1 apple
* 1 tsp. butter
* 1 heaping spoon of whole wheat flour
* cinnamon
* vanilla frozen yoghurt (optional and personally, I like the option)
With a fork, mix your melted butter and flour together until it forms a pebble-like consistency. Peel the apple (remove the skin) and slice into flat-ish pieces into a bowl. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Sprinkle with flour/butter mixture. Add more apple pieces, repeat & microwave for about four minutes (or until it looks cooked). Enjoy.