Today I leave for Dominican Republic! And since we are going for a week, I packed 11 ‘night-time’ outfits. Naturally.
Anyone who said packing was easy is lying. Or maybe I just am really, extra terrible at it.
The bottom line is, it’s done and I’m happy with my oufits. Ha.
I love to dress up my shorts at night with a fancier top, but threw in a few dresses and skirts aswell. I tried to create new outfits I haven’t worn before but creatively use things I already owned. Since I was recently in Vegas, and styled many of my favourite outfits for that trip, I wanted to try to take different items for this trip.
However, you might recognize that aqua, gauzy skirt from Vegas, the heart romper from the same trip and the pink shorts/black fox top combo from a night out this summer.
Here are some photos of what else is coming along with me…
Daytime outfits.
More daytime outfits (wink).
(The large hats were purchased for my sister’s bridal shower, so I’m stoked to have ’em).
Heels for night time.
Related posts:
* What I packed for Florida 2011.
* What I packed for Florida 2012.
* What I packed for Toronto 2011.