Hello work week! Did everyone have a nice long weekend (if you were lucky enough to get one)? I had an uber relaxing and lazy weekend. Seriously, not much was done at all and while sometimes that’s boring, it was quite nice to just sit around and watch YouTube videos for hours on end–that’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but it was glorious–and have nothing more than hitting the gym and eating, be on the agenda.
Unfortunately on Friday I had a terrible headache which lasted a full 24 hours. I stayed home from work and spent most of the day in bed, moving as little as possible and taking Advil. I don’t get migraines ever, but this is the second one in six months (weird?). It ceased as the day went on, but moving around made sure to tell me it was still ever so present. I whipped up a crepe for myself as an afternoon snack, which was delish.
Saturday, after the gym, I spent the day filming and editing my two most recent videos: my everyday make-up routine & my most recent vlog (August 27 – September 1).
I never wear flip flops as I prefer a more fashion-forward look with Gladiators but at the same time, they are so easy to slip on. This was after hitting the gym and I had forgot to pack my ‘real’ sandals but to be honest, I ended up just wearing these all day instead.
Outfit deets: unknown green chiffon top (from Ross in Florida, a couple years back), Material Girl floral chiffon top, Bench shorts, American Eagle (from Payless) flip flops & Gucci shades.
Breakfast at home every morning this long weekend (that’s a first!) and it was pretty much the same each day (I’ll save you the pictures), which works for me!
On Sunday night, we ventured out and had a make-shift BBQ at a friend’s place…which turned into a random dance party, me doing a shooter that was lit on fire and a long session of the boys killing zombies.
…oh, and practicing our twerking moves for an upcoming annual party.
Monday morning…er…afternoon gym sesh. I ran out of tops so Marco lent me his H&M crew-neck tee. I rolled up the sleeves and tucked the front in my shorts to girl-it-up.
A cray rain storm on Monday afternoon which resulted in more YouTube watching, lying around and being lazy. Relishing in those last few hours of the weekend.