Outfit deets:
* Urban Planet top (old).
* Sirens pants (the same ones I have in camo).
* Shoemint ‘Romy’ heels which I recently got (and love, and am making the most out of any sunny and beautiful day to wear them because Winter is around the corner).
* Accessories: Limite necklace, MK watch, Aldo bangle & Urban Planet ‘love’ bangle.
I’m stoked to share these pictures with you because (1) I took them myself, and (2) do you know how hard it is to get a blurry background when photographing yourself?! I kind of can’t believe these photos turned out so well and am patting myself on the back a little. The photography course that I took a few weekends ago is paying off (not that it was expensive to begin with, but worth it for sure).
To de-glamourize these photos, I spent about 35 minutes focusing, adjusting, running back and forth between each, single, self-timed shot. Lots of frustration but also some victories as proven by these photos (hoorah!). I kind of wanted to include more but it would have been photo-overload, and I already feel it somewhat is.
Hope everyone is having a great week thus far. The past two nights I have spent at Place d’Orleans pulling outfits and shoes for the upcoming #MYVIPNIGHT on Saturday! I’m styling six outfits and all the shoes for the fashion show, which is very exciting. It’s going to be a great event and I’m excited (and a little nervous) to host. I hope you can make it out, I would love to meet each and every one of you (and get pictures?). You can find all the details HERE.