Outfit deets:
* Ardene ‘Partier’ top (new!); how cute is this? When I saw it I had to think for a minute but then realized the nod was for Cartier–cute! It was super cheap and .
* Dynamite waterfall blazer.
* Zara jeans (old) which you’ve seen a few years back in a parking garage with all black errthang.
* (Christmas gift) which I had my eye on for months, but never purchased and then funny story, my mom purchased for herself, they came in, didn’t really suit her and I saw them in her pile of ‘returns’ and snatched them up. I told her I pay for them but she said I could have them as a Christmas gift–it was Christmas day when this happened, too!
* Accessories: Expressions by The Bay necklace (old but they still have it), Ardene ‘Love’ bracelet, F21 wrap bracelet & Aldo bangle.
Okay, it’s that time. New Years resolution time.
I said I would share and I’ve been thinking long and hard–and you know I’m a fan of attainable resolutions–so here goes:
* Minimum one video per week on my YouTube channel.
* Don’t take on everyone’s problems–listen, empathize, let go.
* Pay off my credit card every month. #keepinitreal
I think that’s good. Those are attainable, but also challenging for me.
Making videos is a time consuming ordeal, and while it’s a labour of love, there is a lot of behind the scenes work from preparation of myself (hair, camera make-up), the camera itself (setting up, focusing, etc.) and then the editing which is easily three to six hours per video.
I’m a naturally empathetic and compassionate person, who takes others problems and make them my own; it’s my (astrological sign’s) way of helping others. In reality, it causes stress and worry, and most of the time it’s the other person who has to fix it on their own. That isn’t to say I’m going to turn cold hearted, I just need to learn to accept I can only help someone else so much.
Finally, my credit card. A balance on my credit card looms over me and while it might not be a terribly high amount, it still looms. I want to pay it off, and keep it at zero come the end of every month. Definitely do-able, but will have to keep my spending in check.
What are your resolutions? I’d love to hear! Share them in the comments below.
| Check out my resolutions from last year HERE.