On Thursday after work I met with Serena and we shot some outfits (will be sharing a cool two-ways to wear post tomorrow) before I retreated home to take care of a sick boyfriend.
I made Thai chicken lettuce wraps–again–for myself and…
…picked up pizza later on for my guy.
On Friday morning, we changed our usual weekend ritual of gym+breakfast out and he made me pancakes–felt a little indulgent without any fruit on the side or anything but tasted so good. Afterwards we hung out for a bit and then went to the gym (no picture).
We eventually made our way back home and spent a few hours cleaning our place. I love the feeling when home is clean, fresh sheets are on the bed and everything in it’s place (despite being a pretty disorganized person). See our full living room here.
Instead of the planned going out, we got Indian take out from Mia which was awesome. We had the butter chicken and tikka masala and I will definitely be back.
Saturday morning we went to the gym and I grabbed a panini from Chuck’s afterwards–we took it to go since we had a bunch of running around to do, including…
Outfit deets: Garage denim jacket, F21 tank, Sirens camo pants, Converse & Club Monaco scarf.
…getting the items to build my closet in the second bedroom and…
…purchase an entertainment unit for our living room.
Outfit deets: Joe Fresh coat, Smart Set pants, Shoemint heels & Deux Lux bag.
On Sunday we went to my grandparent’s place for an Easter brunch which was awesome.
We got home before dinner time and I cleared out half the second bedroom and Marco started working on the closet build. We grabbed some Thai for dinner and decided to watch Suits instead of work any longer.