Weekend Recap: iPhone Snaps

On Friday I got a special delivery to work–12 long stemmed roses!  This isn’t the first time my guy has sent flowers for no reason, but it sure never loses it’s touch.

I got home from work, cracked a beer and relaxed.  We ended up just unpacking and working on the condo before crashing.  We had our entertainment stand delivered on wednesday so we could finally unpack the massive pile of boxes in our living room and stow away all electronics.

On Saturday morning we hit the gym and went to breakfast.

Then came home and spent all afternoon cleaning, unpacking, organizing and shoving crap into every nook and cranny we could find.  My family was coming for Mothers’ Day brunch on Sunday so that seriously lit a fire under our butts to get it all done (especially with the entertainment unit here too).

I snapped this shot of our bedroom in the afternoon; we are lucky with the cool view of the water.

More photos after the jump…

My girl friend who house sat came over for dinner earlier in the week with tulips (my fave!).  Within three days they bloomed like crazy.

Saturday afternoon–denim shorts & an off-the-shoulder sweater (I’m finally wearing shorts).

Outfit deets:  H&M sweater (old), Bench denim shorts (last summer) & Converse sneakers later (but not shown).

We breaked for a few hours amidst the unpacking to hang with some friends on a rooftop for a BBQ.  The sun was shining, the music was on lock and the food was great.  It was so nice to be socializing outdoors and although it ended up getting really chilly quite quickly, it was a sign that summer has finally arrived.

We got home around 9pm and Marco started to put together …

…finally, around midnight he finished!

I ordered this desk online from Future Shop–on sale–after swooning over .  They are identical in size, shape and structure, the difference is the matte (mine) versus veneered shine.  I’m slightly disappointed mine isn’t shiny as I didn’t realize that was the case, but for $200 less, I’ll take the matte finish.

Sunday morning–another beautiful day.  This view doesn’t seem to get old, but then again, we have been staring at snow, sleet, ice and rain for the past eight months so, can you blame me?

We hosted Mothers’ Day brunch for my parents, grandparents and sister & brother-in-law.  My guy killed it in the kitchen and our first hosting gig in our new place was a success!

Once everyone left, I spent the afternoon perched at my desk editing while painting my nails.  It’s so cool to have a space to sit at that isn’t the dining room table (my work space for the last three years).  On another note, that shoe rack will eventually be sold and make the room feel a bit prettier.

The pretty roses that were delivered have found a spot on our coffee table.

Sunday afternoon.

Outfit deets:  H&M top (old) & DIY maxi skirt (it used to be a dress that was too short on me).

We decided to try our hand at tennis–there are some courts near us–and I’m terrible.  We had fun, sort of, and I’ll just have to keep practicing.  Or learn some technique.  One or the other.  Afterwards we headed to the gym and then grabbed some groceries.

Just the two of us on Sunday night, we BBQ’ed steak and grilled veggies for an amazing first BBQ of the season.  So happy summer is here!

This little girl; she was just sitting by the flowers, the room was pitch black–hence the graininess–and i couldn’t resist snapping a shot of her.


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