Grocery Shop & Dinners for the Week


On Monday evening I posted the above photo on my Instagram and Facebook.  I did a large grocery shop (finally) and did so with meals in mind to specifically plan for the week in an attempt to save money and waste less.  That said, our schedules are a little bit all over the map which makes dining together during the week a bit difficult.  I said I would share my dinners today for the week so here we go…

More photos after the jump…


Caprese salad with baked salmon sprinkled with pepper, chives and a sprig of rosemary (we didn’t have dill).


I’ll be honest, I got home from the gym, downed a protein shake and ripped open a bag of ginger snaps.  Hmph.  That was not according to the plan.  Around 10pm, I cooked up five chicken breast with some MTL spice and some quinoa for a snack and lunch the next day.


We were rushed to get to friends’ place so after my protein shake (I just arrived home from the gym) I fried two egg whites and one whole egg in some coconut oil and toasted a piece of Farm Boy multi-grain bread, and then…

…we went for Vietnamese food around 10pm with a friend.


Too tired to cook, I came home and made myself a toasted tomato-avocado sandwich with hummus (non mayo).  I try to stay away from bread, but I honestly really love it.

Since the plan for Thursday was kabobs, and Marco was getting home a little later, I threw these together so he’d have some dinner when he got home (well, sort of; he had to do the BBQ’ing).  I ended up having two skewers with a scoop of tzatziki.

And to show the different between his meals, I cooked up some white rice to go with his skewers.


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