A Look Back at October


I know I’m a few days late but I couldn’t not share this recap.  October just might be my favourite month of the year (provided it doesn’t snow, which it didn’t) with the fashion/layers, cooler temps, changing leaves and the ability to cover up a few extra desserts underneath said extra layers (hehe).


In October I finally finished our bed by purchasing decorative pillows which I spent weeks searching for, I put the gym in our building to use several times and picked up some new burgundy heels.  The most exciting part of last month was visiting Barbados with six friends for over a week.  We had such a great time and since our friend is Bajan and his now fiancé (they got engaged while there!) had been eight times, we were in great hands to see more than anyone would otherwise (even more photos here).


Other than that, I shared some new boots in a layered up outfit post, we bought a new chair for our living room (see the full condo tour here), and hosted a dinner with three other couples.  I rocked some new booties, cooked my first turkey for my family, got back to the gym and celebrated Halloween with two costumes: mimes & a pink flamingo!



Related posts:

* October 2013

* All my monthly recaps


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