Hi ladies! A shorter recap than usual after a somewhat low key weekend, so here we go…
Friday night I hosted a bridal shower for a friend with some help of course. We had 10 ladies, and kept the evening chic and non-traditional with gold decor, no games and lots of sangria and prosecco.
The bride-to-be wore this amazing cape dress and I’m wearing the daisy romper—now on sale!–you’ve seen before. It was truly a great evening with wonderful company (and lingerie!).
On Saturday morning, Marco and I headed out to Kingston to visit with his parents.
We came back in the early evening as we had tickets for Ottawa’s second-annual Taco Fest, but on a whim, decided we were too tired and just stayed in, instead. We had leftovers and watched the movie Focus–and really enjoyed it!
On Sunday morning we headed out to the gym and I hurt myself again. I tweaked a muscle in my back, doing the chest press and had to cut my workout short. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder/back over a month ago and it still sometimes bothers me so I’m hoping that’s not the case with this one. I think this is the third time I’ve hurt myself in ten years so it’s definitely a frustration–especially after slacking all week and downing about a pound of sour keys on Friday night! #sweettooth
We hit up the Barley Mow again for brunch, but a different location and have to say, the Westboro location is where it’s at.
I spent Sunday afternoon at Place d’Orleans shopping for my next video–none of these items came home with me but are all available at Dynamite.
Sunday’s outfit.
I got home from shopping and started making fajitas for when Marco got home from his golf tournament. They were just about done when he called on his way home and wanted to go out for Vietnamese food! Of course I can never turn that down, so I put the dinner in containers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow and off we went!
Hope you had a great weekend!