Every year I do an annual recap and this year I thought it would be fun to do one through video. 2015 started off great, and some great things happened. We visited Vegas and Italy, we skied a lot and rented a cottage in the Summer with 20 friends. We celebrated our good friends who got married, welcomed two new nephews (my best friend & sister both had their second babies) and ate some great food.
However, there were some very sad times, as we lost Marco’s Dad suddenly which was tremendously devastating and had to say goodbye to our family dog, Peanut.
I’m going to let the video and happier moments do the ‘talking’ and as always, thanks for watching!
More related links after the jump…
A few posts you may have missed:
* Anniversary Weekend in Montebello
* Previewing the Granite Slabs for the Condo
* Place d’Orleans Photoshoot Day
A few videos you may have missed:
* Cottage Weekend with 20 Friends
* Italy Haul (with the Givenchy bag)
* Behind-the-Scenes Photoshoot
* 7 Shoes to Wear with Flared Denim
* Marco’s Birthday Party + New Condo Closing Day
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