This weekend was low key. And I know you’re probably thinking, ‘Yeah right, it’s not like you sat around for seven + hours watching Netflix‘…
Like I mentioned on Snapchat, I think after two weeks of travelling, we needed to just chill the heck out and recharge the batteries. Which meant, starting The Walking Dead, because Marco has been trying to convince me for four years to watch it with him. I finally gave in, even though he’s fully up to speed, and am now completely hooked. Oh. Em. Gee. What was I thinking I wouldn’t be into this show?!
That said, things around here were so uneventful thatI feel a little sorry for this weekend recap because there isn’t much to share. However, I’ll do my best, with a few photos from the party we went to on Friday night, because other than that, there was a whole lot of nothing happening, and it was glorious.
Hope you had a great weekend–be it lazy or eventful–and with that, onto the snaps!
A few snaps from the party on Friday night. We were celebrating a friend who was in from out of town and had a great time.
We went to the gym on Saturday, mid-afternoon, after I did a bunch of cleaning around the condo. I swear I cannot keep up with this cleaning thing. It feels like a constant drop-n-go when it comes to being home so although I really dislike cleaning, I love when things are clean.
On Sunday I slept in and did some work and laundry. I shared the post above, with some fall looks that are just everyday looks that don’t always make the blog.
On Sunday night, we ordered Indian from a new spot since we wanted delivery and our fave place is dine-in only.
And one final workout for the weekend, Sunday, late night… probably not the best idea after that creamy, carb-loaded dinner + wine (oops), but got it in. Also, how I’m feeling lately, bod-wise: like I ate far too much pasta and pizza in Italy!
See you tomorrow! xo
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