I wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for and comments on . There was a ton of love, and I so appreciate and love you guys so much. I was expecting a lot of of constructive criticism, to be honest, but it was a lot of helpful suggestions and great insight.
A huge thing that was mentioned by the majority was the desire for more personal posts. I love sharing parts of life here, but like I’ve mentioned before, it can sometimes be hard to open up on the Internet. However, I want to connect with you girls on a deeper level than just clothes and shoes, and so I will be sharing way more this year from beefing up the Weekend Snaps, to random daily happenings to vlogging everyday life and more.
Your feedback has sparked excitement in me and I feel really motivated to create some fun posts moving forward, and I’m so grateful for the time you took to fill out the survey; it means a lot, and I appreciate every word you wrote.
With that, I wanted to answer some specific comments that came up frequently and share a little more of what 2017 has in store for us.
I’d love to see more dailly-routine videos! ie. Morning, getting ready for bed, working out, how you stay organized, etc.
I love this idea and will definitely incorporate!
You have become too much like every blogger out there, wearing and posting all the same outfits. You used to be way more original.
I understand where you’re coming from, my style has changed over the years. I used to love to belt everything and now it’s more flowy; before I dressed up a lot and now I like things casual. I used to do a lot more thrifting, finding unique pieces, and now there seems to be less time (but I still go every now and again).
That said, over time I’ve started to really cultivate my personal style, and understand what I feel good in. Also, I want to showcase things you girls can buy too and show how to wear various trends. I will keep your feedback in mind for future outfits though, and appreciate your honesty.
More recipes! What do you eat for lunch everyday?
I love this idea, and have shared random snaps of meals over the years, but haven’t really kept it up. I’m not the most organized person when it comes to meal planning, ie. I’m terrible at meal planning! However, I do enjoy eating healthy which makes me feel a bit better about indulging since I’m such a sweet lover. I will start to incorporate more daily meals & what I eat on the go!
I wish I ate this for lunch everyday; this is the ahi tuna from Joey Lansdowne.
The online shopping question got me thinking if you’ve ever ordered from Asos. It’d be great to have a breakdown for Canadians as to actual shipping costs, duty, etc.
This is a great idea! I haven’t ordered from ASOS in ages because the few times I did, I got dinged with major duty. However, it looks like duty is now included so I’ve started to fill up my cart so can do a post on this.
I wish there were more posts – sorry! I know you have to work a full time job as well as blog.
Thank you! I do work full time, and appreciate you saying that. A normal day looks like such: I work my 9 to 5, relax for a bit or hit the gym, then dive into blogging/editing videos/doing social support for posts etc. Often I’m up working until midnight–but I’m such a night owl, it’s when the creative juices are flowing (however, I pay for it in the morning!).
That said, I know I can add more, and I’m going to try to buckle down and get more content up this year (it’s just… sometimes, fun wins over buckling down at times).
More make-up routines.
Beauty is one area I haven’t full dove into on the blog, and while I’ve shared make-up and hair tutorial here and there, things have always been very fashion and lifestyle focussed. I want to change that and will start sharing more about my daily make-up etc., and products that I’m loving (which will likely be mostly drug-store finds).
It would be helpful if you would do more posts about work outfits, transitioning to night outfits.
This was a popular comment, and I’m totally hearing what you’re saying. I do work in an office, so you can imagine on the weekends and when shooting outfits, I am so happy to get into my favourite, casual clothes. However, I will try to showcase a few more office appropriate outfits and how to take them out for the evening.
I’m very basic with my clothes, and do not like wearing heels. Although there are some nice flats, I need more options of what to wear that is more functional. Also, ideas on how to be stylish as a jeans-and-t-shirt girl.
I have definitely started to love and wear flats more often than ever, and found that in the Spring/Summer, they tend to be a go-to. I will try and incorporate flats into more outfits and ideas on how to wear them + ways to jazz up jeans and a tee (that isn’t overly complicated or intimidating).
I’d love to see more on making a basic outfit pop with accessories, jewelry, bags, etc. My style is basic neutrals, so I’m always looking for more accessories to add interest.
I love this idea, and will try to showcase more ideas for accessories, working them into a basic outfit, and where to purchase.
Not all snowboarding days are beautiful views and perfect runs; sometimes I fall and sometimes it really freaking hurts (like my last run )!
Sometimes the captions on your photos sound like magazine copy; I wish it felt a little more genuine and less like what you think it’s supposed to say.
After reading this comment, I started to think about the way I lay out the Weekend Snaps, and the captions (since they are the most routine, personal posts I do) and agree. Sometimes the captions are limited, so I’m already making an extra effort to share more and put a bit more detail behind them.
I’d love to know how you and Marco met, how he proposed, etc.
More personal posts, I’m hearing you girls loud and clear and love it! Thank you. I will get on those!
As an aside, sometimes I just think personal stuff could be boring to read, but your feedback has been so helpful in reiterating that you’d like to see that and that makes me want to share it.
It’s seriously a task to get this man to cooperate for a photo!
Bring back fitness! I’m working on my A game right now and your posts always give me good ideas on what to do at the gym. I weight lift and do cardio and always seem to repeat the same moves over and over again.
Woohoo, get ’em girl! I started up my fitness IG account this time last year and over the course of the year, things got busy and that was something that fell to the wayside. I still workout regularly, but am not allowed to film at my gym and I’d be coming home from a workout to film various mini-videos in our bare-bones condo gym. That said, I love that you want to see more of this and perhaps could start with one mini video per week?
Random fact: I hate cardio. I rarely do it, but try to push myself to include it at the end of workouts. Usually 10 – 15 minutes on the stair master and I’m done. I know I should do more–I just really dislike it.
Maybe you could do regular shopping haul videos because I absolutely adore your old ones. I loved the ones where you showed us how you wore a particular clothing item; it was really helpful.
I love filming haul videos, they are one of my favourites, and I am currently editing two haul videos so will plan to continue many more this year.
I like seeing hauls, but maybe less from fast fashion stores, and more better quality pieces. I’d love some ideas on where to buy high quality basics!
One of my resolutions last year was to start buying more quality, over quantity. I think I achieved that, but those sales still get me. I will definitely incorporate your high quality basic request into an upcoming video and/or post (love the idea).
I think you could be more honest and real at times.
I think I understand where you’re coming from on this, and while I try to be open, and am always honest, this is only a small slice of what truly happens in my life. I don’t want to turn this into a negative space, so it can be hard to find the balance between sharing happy moments but then opening up about going through hardships. I’d love to know more, in what aspect, you’d like to see.
I have always been a dog person, but Marco had this cat, so when we moved in together, I worked really hard at forging a relationship with her. I can now honestly say I’m totally a dog and cat person!
Would love to keep up on your house hunt and wedding planning.
Thank you! We are starting to look for homes again (we are really itching to move!), so I think I will vlog our experience and share more on the blog. Wedding plans are non-existent at this point but when that ball starts rolling, I will definitely share (but won’t turn this into a wedding blog, either).