Good morning!  How is the start of your week going?  

I swear those weekends just go by too quickly, but I was super excited to see Sunday afternoon because Marco had been away for the week for work, and he returned home!  I made us a late lunch, we sat at the table and chatted about our weeks before he tucked into the football and I worked on the blog a bit.  It’s so good to have him back home.

Otherwise, the weekend was pretty busy, so let’s jump into the snaps!


On Friday evening, I went to the post office to pick up the long anticipated new camera Marco got me for Christmas!  I’ve been eyeing the since before our trip to Italy, and am so excited to start vlogging more with it!  It has a screen that flips upwards, wifi connection, great detail focussing and in-video brightening/darkening, and so much more that I have yet to explore aside from my research. 

After a quick stop at home to charge the camera and change, I headed out to the mall to poke around and also grab some prizes for some party games I planned for the following evening.

I ended up grabbing my favourite bronzer at Sephora, with a gift card Marco’s Mom gave me for Christmas.  My best friend gifted me with this for Christmas last year and I loved it and just ran out.  I’m always buying drugstore make-up so this feels like a full on indulgence.

 |  |    |  | — HALF PRICE! ()  | ()  |

On Saturday morning, I headed to my post office in the USA to pick up several items I had shipped there.  When I got back, to shoot a few looks and we grabbed a coffee at Bridgehead.

Then it was party time!

We celebrated and surprised one of my favourite people for her special birthday and it was so awesome!  She was totally caught off guard and the photo above was taken when she first walked in–lucky me, I got the second hug from the birthday girl!

There were about 35 people and the host had a chef come in and make the most delicious foods, buffet style, there were endless drinks, dancing and overall just such a wonderful evening.

Sunday morning breakfast; one egg, two egg whites & an avocado, topped with hot sauce.  And coffee.  There is always coffee.

On Sunday, I slept in and relaxed for a bit before getting ready for the day and spending a few hours cleaning and tidying up the condo.  We later ordered sushi take out and I did a bit of video editing.


Lastly, (also in grey) is on sale!  I shared it in the , but wanted to mention it here.  I have a full outfit post coming on it, but I know sizes are starting to become limited.

Hope you girls have a great day & I’ll be back tomorrow with an outfit post.  Thank you for stopping by!


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