I found the most amazing boots from Aldo that I have begged husband to buy me (for Christmas). These are not them. These are my second place pair. The ones I reeeeeally want are a tad more expensive (and up until about two seconds ago when I checked, they were sold out in my size – but are now back in stock, I’m having a small heart attack right now!). I’ve dropped every hint in the book to husband about them, and by hint, I mean blatantly telling him how badly I want them, every other second and showing him numerous pictures. I don’t think I’m going to get them, I just have a feeling. In other shoe news, I totally impulse purchased these on Monday. Such a great price now and I need a new commute boot (aka what I like to call the boot I wear to and from work while I carry my four inch heels in a pretty little bag… or simply in my hands). Bonus, they are over the knee which is fantastic since I live in skirts even when it’s 30 below and the knee-high commute boots I’ve been rockin’ the past two years just are cutting it, as far as keeping the space between my skirt and top of my boots, warm.