Dynamite jacket (last seen here), Joe Fresh top, American Apparel dress (last seen here), Sirens leggings, xxx booties (last seen here), Club Monaco scarf, Suzy necklace, H&M bangle & Gucci shades
Happy Friday my friends! It’s finally here, the weekend – breathe easy.
I finally sat down at my sewing machine last night and … sewed. Yes, I actually focused. And guess what? I’m about to cross of #5 off my April resolutions list (whoomp there it is). No. Big. Deal. And don’t fret my friends, I will be sharing the wealth, and by that I mean taking some photos and showing you… I’m keeping them for myself though, sorry (I’m not that wealthy).
Secondly, I went for that test drive I was telling you guys about. It was awesome; the car is sick and really fun to drive. However, the V6 is just more power than I need… okay, that’s not true, it’s the high gas prices and gas guzzling consumption I’m worried about. Engine power? Pshhh. Gas prices? Eeek. So, I’ve decided the four cynlinder is a better option, but am taking my time to ensure everything is right. I haven’t ruled out other options but won’t be making a decision right away. Car shopping to me is scary and exciting, all at once. Anyone else out there shopping for a new (or used) car?
I could be your treble, baby, you could be my bass.
It’s getting bigger. The bass is getting bigger.
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