Bedside Blogging

 American Apparel dress/top, Joe Fresh skirt (last seen here), Aldo wedges (last seen here),

Dynamite belt, Sirens necklace, gifted Auslini bangle & Bay ring

I’m alive!  I’m alive!  It’s been a while, and I’m not just talking about my shoes.  Life has been busy lately and blogging took a short-term back seat.  This weekend I’m playing Nurse to my girlfriend who had surgery on Thursday.  We are lying in bed, getting in plenty of movies and started watching Audrina (have you seen it?  I hadn’t and am now addicted… sadly there are only seven episodes and we are on the fourth already).  It’s pretty gloomy out and the weather is calling for thunderstorms (um, perfect movie watching weather, right?) all weekend.



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