Max Studio top, Sirens shorts, unknown tights, Suzy necklace & ring & Bay ring
I hope you all had an excellent Christmas, I sure did! My sister and I compromised and decided on a 9am start time for Christmas morning. I got up, showered, and proceeded to put on my comfy clothes (why did I shower? I packed an outfit to wear for unwrapping presents and ultimately decided I wanted to wear sweatpants and a hoodie. Still works).
I headed downstairs where my parents and sister were waiting to me. We went into the living room to see what Santa brought us and he was good to me, that’s for sure! We then took a break, at cinnamon buns and croissants and drank coffee (which later turned into mimosas). Then we got busy unwrapping our gifts and I have to say I have been spoiled and am very, very blessed (I’m going to do a post on the gifts I was fortunate to receive).
We lazed around that afternoon, reading our magazines, trying on new clothes, playing with new gadgets, etc.
After hours in sweatpants I changed into the above outfit (and did my hair) for Christmas dinner. My grandparents came over and we stuffed ourselves. More conversation and good times after dinner (which included more baked treats, thanks to my mom) late into the night. I then proceeded to do some pre-Boxing Day online shopping late into the night and finished watching, ‘What’s Your Number’ online (cute movie, the book is better, obviously).
I have to say it seems kind of funny posting an outfit without shoes, however, I wasn’t leaving the house and we aren’t wear-your-shoes-in-the-house kind of people (yuck. I’m a bit of a germaphobe so the idea of wearing shoes in the house grosses me out. Think of where you and your shoes have been… gym locker room, in your car, restaurants… public restrooms… ’nuff said), hence the no shoes. If I was going out, I’d likely wear black pumps or ankle booties.