Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence these past couple days; I’m at home sick and really not feeling like doing much but laying in bed watching Netflix–not that I should be doing much, as rest is needed to get better.
Moving around is unpleasant so I mainly go between my bedroom and the kitchen to grab food, which I cannot taste, I might add. I have a terrible sinus cold and this is such bad timing because I’m moving in less than two weeks and have so much packing to do. I know I mentioned last Friday I was running on empty and as it turns out, my body has had enough. It’s physically now telling me to slow the f down and rest.
And so, I’m resting, which is boring but needed. I did finish the first season of Orange is the New Black (holy finale!) and going to start the next season as soon as I finish the movie, Kids with Friends. Netflix is my saviour!
I’ve got Buckley’s, an Internet connection and lots of tea & snacks. Thanks for being patient while I’m being a patient and stay tuned for those weekend snaps I promised you.