I love doing these recaps because although I put my life ‘out there’, the day-to-day feels and is mostly ordinary but looking back each month makes me appreciate more-so the things I did and what happened. I have had friends say that my weekends look so thrilling but I think it’s just a pretty photo that makes take-out and a movie look much more fancy than it actually is (as I sit in my pajamas and binge on ginger snaps). For me, these recaps are like counting your blessings and help remind me that things could always be worse and to appreciate what you have.
Enough mush, onto the recap!
In November a group of us went to the Wine & Food Show and also tried out The Albion Rooms for a friend’s birthday. We saw our first snow fall (yuck!) and I shared how I went from never running to running 5km.
I got some new shoes, saw progress on my condo and went to a late-Canadian-Thanksgiving with the Barbados crew (which turned into a onesie party). Marco surprised me with a new iPad–best boyfriend award, I swear, that guy–I checked out The Scone Witch with a friend and did some damage at Marshalls. I washed my car, bought a couple new headbands and we put up our tree!
I shared a huge bikini haul video, my trip to Barbados part 1, part 2 and part 3. Lastly, I filmed my holiday lookbook and got some new bindings for snowboarding season.
Happy December!
Related posts:
* A Look Back at October
* A Look Back at November 2013