While we were in Mexico last week, I got quite a few comments on my tan–which is a first because trust me when I say, this girl does not get a tan from the sun! I wish I was someone who would get a golden bronze from spending time outdoors, but unfortunately it’s just not in the cards for me. Which means, I’ve searched high and low and tried all the things when it comes to self-tanners and have narrowed it down to a small, curated batch that I always turn to.
So today, I’m finally sharing my top four self tanners, including the darkest one that got me ultra dark in these vacation photos, plus my most budget-friendly one, a great one for your face + a tried-n’-true one I love.
My weekly routine usually involves applying a self tan at some point, even during the winter months. I used to get weekly spray tans, but then discovered the products below and loved them so much, I decided to cancel my membership. There is definitely a convenience factor to spray tans, but at the same time, I love being able to do it in my home and walk around in loose clothing afterwards while it dries.
Typically I’ll apply my tan in the evening, after I’ve showered, shaved and exfoliated. If you’re a first time self-tanner, you’ll want to grab some exfoliating gloves, a dry brush or a loofah with some body wash and scrub down in the shower. This will remove any dead skin cells and leave your skin smooth and ready to apply the tan. I always put lotion on my hands, feet, knee caps and elbows before getting started–these areas will absorb the most product, so the lotion moisturizes those areas to avoid that.
When it comes to actually applying the product, I typically start at the top and work my way down. With the mousses I like to use a tanning mitt (which does tend to soak up quite a bit of product, unfortunately), and with the liquids, I like to use latex gloves. Move quickly and continuously in sections and ensure the product is fully rubbed in/absorbed before you move onto your next section. At the end, wash your hands thoroughly and then apply a light coat to the backs of your hands. Throw on something dark and loose, and hang out until you dry.
Since all the products I love and am sharing (except the Liquid Sunshine) have a built in bronzer, you will get instant colour and be able to see exactly where you’ve applied it. This will wash off in the shower, but you should wait 6 – 8 hours before you do so or sweat. Your actual self tan will have developed underneath, leaving you with an even, golden tan.
I hope this video and post was helpful for you girls. I know I’m not alone in the self tan struggle and I definitely feel my best when I have a little colour. Hope you girls are having a great weekend, I’m off to put together the Weekend Snaps. See you tomorrow!
‣ Tanwise
‣ St. Tropez
‣ Arbonne Liquid Sunshine
‣ Rossa Self Tanning
‣ Free People Top (similar)
‣ Moon & Star Necklace