Good morning!  Happy Monday!   How was your weekend?

Things were busy around these parts, as we knew they would be, but I’ll be honest that I got zero unpacking done.

On Friday night, I hit up a few stores on my way home, and grabbed all of those fake plants you see above.  We have two, staggered, wooden shelves in our master bathroom that I want to add some greenery to.  I decided to grab all the plants that caught my eye to come up with the best combination on the shelves (I’ll probably use three) and then return the ones I’m not going with.  I shared this on Instastories while I was trying to come up with combinations but my decor-guru girlfriend is coming over this week and I’m hoping she can help me finalize the best look!  Who knew styling shelves was so tricky…


Speaking of Instagram, I announced a big change on Friday: a new IG name!  I’ve made the switch to Life with ACo (@lifewithaco) and shared the reasoning with the photo above.

Essentially, A.Co est. 1984 stood for my nickname (A.Co — an abbreviated version of my full name, Amanda Conquer) and est. means established, and of course, my year of birth.  When I started this blog seven years ago, that was a fun name, but then over time as social media came into play and handles were created, @acoest1984 just became a weird name nobody could pronounce with numbers at the end that weren’t memorable.

It was driving me a little crazy, thinking of switching everything over to a new name, and I thought long and hard about what said new name could be.  Since the blog incorporates way more than fashion now, Life seemed fitting.  I’m keeping my nickname, everyone was saying, ‘You can’t give up A.Co!  That’s you!’ — as it is what many of my friends refer to me as.

All that to say, Instagram and Twitter have been switched over to the new handle, and everything else is staying the same for now.  Eventually I will change the domain of my blog, but maybe later in the year and with more design tweaks as we go.  Ultimately, I’m hoping the new name will make more sense to everyone, be easier to see and understand and feel more cohesive.  From your comments on IG, it seems like everyone is feeling it and I appreciate your feedback!

Saturday morning cuteness.

Our cat, Eve, is having a really hard time adjusting to the new home, and I’ve been doing a ton of reading and talking to a couple friends about what could help.  We are keeping her in the confines of our bedroom-bathroom to ease her nerves and when I saw her up on the window ledge like this I had to laugh!  It felt like a semi-brave moment of exploration, ha.

BTW, real life, that’s our humidifier wrapped up in plastic moving wrap that I haven’t unpacked yet.  What an eye sore *groan* but I’ve been too lazy to get to it!


We hit up the gym on Saturday morning–and I will say, minor success on my part because it had been two weeks.   Between packing up the condo, moving, starting to unpack, working, and general life, I’ve been slacking.  I’m usually good for minimum three times a week, but the break was needed.

After the gym, we ran around and did errands, in preparation for my family to come over (10 of us!) to celebrate my Mom’s birthday.  We had lasagna, Cesar salad and garlic bread (at her request) and my brother-in-law did an awesome strawberry shortcake for dessert.


I was up early on Sunday morning–mostly because we don’t have any blinds yet!–and was off to meet up with my girlfriends for brunch.  We went to Stoneface Dolly’s in Little Italy, haven’t been there in years.   It was great to catch up on each other’s lives while eating & drinking copious amounts of coffee.

Then then I zipped over to the condo to meet up with Marco who was packing up the last few things, patching up walls, etc.  I did a deep clean of one of the bathrooms, disinfected cupboards and packed up a few things.  We jam packed the car full of stuff but still have a couple more trips to make.

Afterwards, we stopped at Lowe’s and grabbed Vietnamese food for an early dinner before heading back home, totally pooped.

And finally, on Sunday evening we went to the see The Weeknd in concert!

I got Marco tickets for Christmas, so this was long awaited and while we were totally pooped from moving the same week, hosting the day before and all that, but we rallied and had fun.  Black, Belly & Rae Sremmurd opened the show and were great.  We grabbed burgers and wings at Burt’s in between and The Weeknd came on around 9pm.

Hope you girls had a great weekend! xo


Coming up later this week…

Tuesday       | New Home + Moving Photos
Wednesday | Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale Picks
Thursday     | Outfit Post


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