Today’s post is a little different, but I’ve been hearing you lately and you’re saying more beauty, more personal and more everyday stuff. I love sharing fashion and outfits, but that’s just a small slice of my life, and you girls seemed to enjoy my photoshoot make-up routine back in the winter, so today I’m sharing current faves on the skincare side. I’m super picky when it comes to skincare–especially since it can be so expensive!–but also feel it’s really important to take care of our face (and neck, chest and hands) as we age. I tell ya, the 30’s definitely give you some hindsight to all the things you wish you hadn’t done in your 20’s! 😉
Now that summer is here, my dry skin is in heaven, but I still like to use really moisturizing products at night time to rehydrate what I’ve lost during the day. Don’t forget it’s important to hydrate from the inside out as well, I aim for 2L+ of water a day–I just use a one litre water bottle, drink one in the morning, one in the afternoon and everything else is a bonus.
As an aside, all the products I’m sharing today are paraben free and mineral oil free; something that is really important to me and that I always look for in the ingredient list before making a purchase. If you’re wondering how to spot them, they are usually near the end of the ingredients and parabens always end in it’s origin name, eg. ‘methylparaben’.
I’ve been using the PTR Vitamin C Mask for about three months and am crazy about this. I was always using a Vitamin C serum (more on that below), but when I saw this I thought I would give it a shot. Let me tell you: it’s so good! It’s thick, hydrating and you have the option to use it as a rinse off mask, or wear it overnight, which is what I always do. It also has 30 times the Vitamin C of one orange–wild. It smells like citrus, it’s creamy and gives your face a slight tanned look because it’s so concentrated. In the morning I feel like my skin has had a huge drink of water and generally all the product has been absorbed.
I have been experimenting with eye creams for a couple years now and I’m a big fan of this one. I find myself reaching for this nightly, and I’m just about done the bottle, which I purchased in December. It has a pump applicator and the formula is smooth and lightweight. It absorbs really easily and I do feel like it gives my eyes hydration. I will say though, if you get too close to your eyes, or the product gets in your eyes, it stings and can make your eyes water. It’s not ideal but it also hasn’t deterred me at all from using it.
This is one of my holy grail products! And it’s under $15!
I’ve talked about this night cream before, and I love it. I tend to find mine at Winners, Home Sense, Marshalls and if they aren’t stocking it, I’ll order off Amazon or eBay. This pot of cream is thick and absorbs really nicely into the skin. The smell is really nice and I find my skin plumper in the morning–which I love. I’ve recommended this face cream to many girlfriends and my sister and everyone loves it. Plus, the price point is so good, it’s easier to take the risk on something new.
Vitamin C has a ton of benefits including combating pre-mature aging. You can find a serum like this at your local health food store or Winners, and they usually run under $15. Serums are super light weight and absorb quickly into the skin, they should be applied as the first step in your skincare routine. I love the citrus smell of the Vitamin C and Rosehip Oil is another great one to use as well.
Alright, I’m breaking out the big guns for this one–she’s not budget friendly whatsoever, but when I tried this, I just kept saying, ‘OMG. OMG. OMG.’ over and over again while in the washroom. Marco was in our room and was like, ‘What’s happening in there!?’ Haha.
This is the creamiest, most lightweight, silky face cream I’ve ever tried. When I found this in the store, I immediately started looking online at all the reviews and was totally sold. When I tried it that night, I told Marco I’ve never put anything on my face that felt so silky and incredible. The formula is just insane and there is a reason it’s so expensive.
I will say, I haven’t used this consistently every night, only because it’s so expensive and I like to use it just a few nights a week so I don’t run out quickly. This definitely lifts, plumps and hydrates and my skin always looks great the next morning.
Lastly, I had to mention this amazing sleeping oil I picked up in December. A friend of mine raved about it, so I finally pulled the trigger and am a big fan. The oil is very liquidy and smells great, and it should be noted that oils should be the last thing you apply during your skincare routine, as it’s the heaviest. I thought this would be super hydrating on it’s own, but it definitely worked best with a lotion underneath for me–again, give yourself a good 5 – 10 minutes between layers of products, if you can. The longer the better to really let them absorb.
My friend who is oily was a much bigger fan in the end than myself (dry), so take that into consideration. I didn’t want to not include this product though because I really like it, although I only use it every other week or so. I also tend to no longer use it on my chin as it seems to promote breakouts there (but is so wonderful everywhere else). Lastly, I have a real dry patch on my ring finger from water getting trapped under my engagement ring, and this stuff helped tremendously. Back in the winter, I actually had to stop wearing my ring for about a month because it was so bad, and this stuff–a couple drops at night–sped up the healing process.
Last thing I wanted to note, that I didn’t share here today, is sunscreen. I feel like finally it’s “cool” to wear sunscreen! I’ve been a little preachy about sunscreen in the past, but you truly aren’t helping yourself with a night time skincare routine if you aren’t coupling it up with SPF during the day. I don’t just mean for days you’re going to the beach or are on vacation, I mean every. single. day. Make it part of your routine, and you won’t even notice the extra, protective step.
I’ve been a longtime fan of the Walmart Equate brand sunscreen, but sadly haven’t been able to find in stores for the past three months. I recently picked up this one, and for me it works since I’m not sensitive and am dry, but I know you may cringe at using a body SPF on your face (I’ve heard great things about this one!). I will say it’s not ideal for late-afternoon make-up melt off, but until I find something I like more, I’ll continue to use it. Oh! Also, I recently learned that while the SPF in make-up is good, technically unless you’re applying a generous amount to your face, as you would a lotion sunscreen, you’re not going to get the full protection you’re hoping for. Your best bet is to grab a stand alone SPF and use that after you put on your moisturizer. Wait about 5 minutes to let it soak in before putting on your make-up.
Hope you girls enjoyed this slightly different post today & Happy Friday!