Having your first baby is like being thrown into a completely new world of gadgets, basic essentials, clothing, toys and more. It can be hard to determine in advance what you really need and what will work for baby. Yet it’s funny how quickly you find things that you can’t live without.
When I put together my baby registry, I had a couple mom friends review it before finalizing, which proved to be helpful, and yet there are still so many trial and error attempts because each baby is different.
All that said, today’s post is a breakdown of the tried and true baby items we swore by and couldn’t live without in the first few months.
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Carrier & Fabric Wrap / Carrier | Babies love to be close all the time, especially as newborns, and I would walk Hendrix around the house (or neighbourhood; under my coat) just to calm him down. It’s nice to be hands free & once you get a little practice under your belt, it becomes pretty quick getting them in and out. A little later, I used this structured carrier a lot (and still do). I also just ordered this ring sling & can’t wait to start using!
Boppy Lounger Pillow | A mom friend suggested this as a place to put the baby during the day and it truly was lifesaving. We mostly kept it on the couch or our bed (with us close by) and Hendrix used it everyday, especially in the evenings before we got on any sort of schedule. We would hang out in our room at night, watch tv, and he would sleep. Later on, I used it on the bathroom floor as I would shower so he could see me (and vice versa 😉 ).
Infant Flash Cards | Marco bought these for the baby & I was a little skeptical, but he loved them. We used them everyday to keep him ‘entertained’ when he laid in in playpen or stroller, and also slowly move them back in forth in front of him as he learned to track his eyes. His favourite card even became a permanent fixture near his crib as something he loved to look at in the evenings and mornings.
Pack & Play | My Mom had this pack & play that she had purchased when my nephew was born and kept offering it to us. I was hesitant and one day she just brought it over and said she would set it up for us, and if we hated it, she’d take it back… and here we are, six months later and still using it all the time! It is truly such a staple item–it’s another place to put the baby down, change them (there is a basinet to change them in + a little storage pocket on the side for diapers, wipes, etc.) and more. They can nap in it during the day, and play in it when they’re a little older. When Hendrix outgrew his basinet at two months, we brought the pack & play to our room for him to sleep in for a few weeks before moving the crib into our room instead. Just so versatile!
Electric Nail File | Cutting a baby’s nails is terrifying at the beginning, and one day I went to use the clippers and totally chickened out! They are constantly flailing their arms so it’s hard to hold a finger steady. This electric nail file was a gift from a friend & we used it weekly (their nails grow so fast & are so sharp). I was even able to use it when he slept in the Mamaroo!
Sleepers | Hendrix was a winter baby, so he wore the fleece version of these amazing onesie-sleepers all. day. long. A mom-friend told me to register for a bunch of them as baby would ‘live in them’, and boy was she right! Baby will basically spend their day eating, sleeping and hanging out in your arms–you want them to be comfy. Add that to multiple changes a day, these make it super simple (versus trying to pull pants off, etc.). Around two-three months is when I started getting him dressed for the day (but totally not necessary if you’re not ready).
Breast Pump | I’m debating doing a full post on breastfeeding because it’s quite the journey. I did so much research before having the baby, and still felt clueless about which pump to go with, and whether it should be a single or double. We ended up purchasing this pump on the way home from the hospital (!) after having had the chance to try one there, and I really like it. If you’re debating between single or double, I have to say double is the way to go–get it done in half the time and move on with your day. I use this pumping bra and it’s great (also comes in black). One other thing, check with your insurance as it may be covered with a Doctor’s note & your receipt.
Washable Bed Pads | These bed pads were awesome–I used one for myself in bed, the first week (and eventually put it on our rocking chair for a while) and the other for changing Hendrix on the bed in the middle of the night. They wash up with laundry and are easy to unfold and throw down quickly when you’re half asleep + keep your bed dry.
Pacifier Clip | I ordered this fancy one but you can find them for less. Imperative if you’re leaving the house (just attach to the strap of their carseat).
Diaper Genie | I wasn’t sure if we needed one of these before baby arrived, and now we have two–we love it that much. Although it’s not as pretty as the Ubbi, we found the DG to be so functional and great at containing the smell. We actually purchased the Ubbi and ended up returning it because as soon as you would open the slider lid to throw a diaper in, you could smell the stink (and it just gets worse as more diapers accumulate and as you start introducing solids around 4 – 6 months 😉 ). I would highly suggest you go for the Elite version of the DG, with the pedal–it makes a world of a difference (as our other one is just the basic model).
Swaddles | We got a Field Day swaddle as a gift from my gf & it was hands down our favourite because of the soft, stretchy jersey–made it so easy to wrap him up (as seen on Hendrix here). Unfortunately it looks like they no longer sell them, but these ones are similar. These ones came a close second because they are extra large (love the pattern on these too, they are a little smaller though), which makes it easy on all parents.

A few items for Mom:

Nursing Bras | I purchased this three pack before giving birth and was glad to have one with me in the hospital. They don’t offer a ton of support but I was wearing them all day, everyday–even to bed at night. Throw them in the wash and dryer & they’re a quick and easy piece you need if you’re planning to breastfeed.
Joggers | I’ve shared these several times before but love them so much and have lived in them since getting them shortly after having Hendrix. They are actually made for postpartum and pregnancy! I just snagged the green colour too because they are so good. Use code LIFEWITHACO15 for 15% off!
Leggings | These are my favourite leggings for lounging (I have two pairs; both black, one full length & one cropped)–they are high waisted and not too tight. While in my mind I wanted compression after giving birth, my body definitely said otherwise. Having these made me feel comfortable, supported but not suffocated. It was also nice to be covered when I’d need to lift my shirt to feed baby.
Oversized Tees | I have spent most of my days in these long sleeve tees (and still do). They are so comfortable, plus roomy enough to drape over baby if you’re feeding in public and want coverage. They also work if you’re not breastfeeding but just want something stylish, comfortable and a piece you’ll get tons of wear out of with shorts, leggings, denim & more. So versatile & a great quality basic.